Canadian Sciences Speakers Network

Réseau Canadien de Panélistes Scientifiques

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Canadian Sciences Speakers Network

Connecting Canadian Scientists to Promote Diversity and Collaborative Innovation

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Landing Page: Profile Photo

George Chaconas

Researcher of the Lyme disease spirochete for 25 years. My lab currently studies how these organisms…

+ The lyme disease spirochete Bo…The lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Sabine Kuss

Award-winning researcher and passionate mentor in the fields of bioelectrochemistry and electroan…

+ Electroanalytical ChemistryElectroanalytical Chemistry
+ BioelectrochemistryBioelectrochemistry
+ BiosensingBiosensing
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Sabine Kuss

Award-winning researcher and passionate mentor in the fields of bioelectrochemistry and electroan…

+ Electroanalytical ChemistryElectroanalytical Chemistry
+ BioelectrochemistryBioelectrochemistry
+ BiosensingBiosensing
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Jibran Khokhar

Dr. Khokhar completed his undergraduate training at Queen’s University, and his PhD in the Depa…

+ AddictionAddiction
+ Mental HealthMental Health
+ VapingVaping
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Jibran Khokhar

Dr. Khokhar completed his undergraduate training at Queen’s University, and his PhD in the Depa…

+ AddictionAddiction
+ Mental HealthMental Health
+ VapingVaping
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Linda Campbell

Dr. Campbell is a Senior Research Fellow at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax (http://ap.s…

+ Aquatic ecosystems & freshwate…Aquatic ecosystems & freshwater ecology
+ Environmental pollution and bi…Environmental pollution and biogeochemistry
+ Sign languages and inclusion i…Sign languages and inclusion in science fields (STEM disclipines)
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Linda Campbell

Dr. Campbell is a Senior Research Fellow at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax (http://ap.s…

+ Aquatic ecosystems & freshwate…Aquatic ecosystems & freshwater ecology
+ Environmental pollution and bi…Environmental pollution and biogeochemistry
+ Sign languages and inclusion i…Sign languages and inclusion in science fields (STEM disclipines)
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Landon Edgar

Dr. Edgar is a chemical immunologist with expertise in single cell analysis technologies. He comp…

+ Immunology of carbohydratesImmunology of carbohydrates
+ Chemical biologyChemical biology
+ Flow cytometry / single cell a…Flow cytometry / single cell analysis
Landing Page: Profile Photo

Landon Edgar

Dr. Edgar is a chemical immunologist with expertise in single cell analysis technologies. He comp…

+ Immunology of carbohydratesImmunology of carbohydrates
+ Chemical biologyChemical biology
+ Flow cytometry / single cell a…Flow cytometry / single cell analysis
Landing Page: Profile Photo

George Chaconas

Researcher of the Lyme disease spirochete for 25 years. My lab currently studies how these organi…

+ The lyme disease spirochete Bo…The lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi

This is a not-for-profit initiative started by scientists (life scientists, physical scientists, social scientists and engineers) keen to lift our scientific potential to the next level by generating new networks to promote collaboration and leverage our diversity as Canadians.