Linda Campbell
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Position: Professor
Organization: Saint Mary’s University
Dr. Campbell is a Senior Research Fellow at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax ( She moved to Halifax from a Canada Research Chair (Tier II) faculty position at Queen’s University. Her research and teaching focus on contaminants in the environment and on sustainability / resilience issues, with particular emphasis on aquatic ecosystems and water resources. Additionally, Dr. Campbell is one of the very few Deaf Academics in Canada, and as such she has developed innovative collaborative approaches for inclusion of Deaf and Hearing participants in research, teaching, the use of ASL in scientific fields and integration of ASL-English scientific and academic interpreting. Dr. Campbell obtained her PhD from University of Waterloo where she did research on mercury biogeochemistry in African Great Lakes. In 2020, Dr. Campbell received the Nova Scotia Discovery Centre Professional of Distinction career award. Her research group at Saint Mary’s is currently investigating the ongoing impact of century-old abandoned historical gold mine sites and invasive freshwater species on freshwater ecosystems in Nova Scotia.
Areas of Expertise:
About Me
Sector: Academia (Post Secondary)
English proficiency: Read, Write, Speak
Other Language(s): American Sign Language (ASL)
Title: Dr.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Gender: Female
Demographic: European / White
Disability: Deaf