Canadian Sciences Speakers Network

Réseau Canadien de Panélistes Scientifiques

Linda Campbell: Profile Photo

Linda Campbell

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Position: Professor

Organization: Saint Mary’s University

Dr. Campbell is a Senior Research Fellow at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax ( She moved to Halifax from a Canada Research Chair (Tier II) faculty position at Queen’s University. Her research and teaching focus on contaminants in the environment and on sustainability / resilience issues, with particular emphasis on aquatic ecosystems and water resources. Additionally, Dr. Campbell is one of the very few Deaf Academics in Canada, and as such she has developed innovative collaborative approaches for inclusion of Deaf and Hearing participants in research, teaching, the use of ASL in scientific fields and integration of ASL-English scientific and academic interpreting. Dr. Campbell obtained her PhD from University of Waterloo where she did research on mercury biogeochemistry in African Great Lakes. In 2020, Dr. Campbell received the Nova Scotia Discovery Centre Professional of Distinction career award. Her research group at Saint Mary’s is currently investigating the ongoing impact of century-old abandoned historical gold mine sites and invasive freshwater species on freshwater ecosystems in Nova Scotia.

Areas of Expertise:

+ Aquatic ecosystems & freshwater ecology
+ Environmental pollution and biogeochemistry
+ Sign languages and inclusion in science fields (STEM disclipines)


+ English
+ American Sign Language (ASL)

About Me

Sector: Academia (Post Secondary)

English proficiency: Read, Write, Speak

Other Language(s): American Sign Language (ASL)

Title: Dr.

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Gender: Female

Demographic: European / White

Disability: Deaf

Recent Publications

Title Year
Spatio-temporal Trends of Mercury and Stable Isotopes in Lower Food Web of Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria2024
An Exploration of False Positives Following Multispectral Analysis of Mine Tailings Extent2024
Increasing mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification rates of Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.) in Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya2024
First record of the non-indigenous crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852), in Nova Scotia, Canada2024
Historical gold mining increased metal(loid) concentrations in lake sediments from Nova Scotia, Canada2024
Arsenic and mercury contamination and complex aquatic bioindicator responses to historical gold mining and modern watershed stressors in urban Nova Scotia, Canada2021
Assessing the probable distribution of the potentially invasive Chinese mystery snail, Cipangopaludina chinensis, in Nova Scotia using a random forest model approach2021
Assessment of sediment penetrability as an integrated in situ measure of intertidal softsediment conditions2020
Evaluation of a nanoscale zero-valent iron amendment as a potential tool to reduce mobility, toxicity, and bioaccumulation of arsenic and mercury from wetland sediments2020
Review of ecological mercury and arsenic bioaccumulation within historical gold mining districts of Nova Scotia2019
Native Plants for Revegetation of Mercury- and Arsenic-Contaminated Historical Mining Waste—Can a Low-Dose Selenium Additive Improve Seedling Growth and Decrease Contaminant Bioaccumulation?2019
Interspecific differences in the bioaccumulation of arsenic of three Patagonian top predator fish: Organ distribution and arsenic speciation2018
Terms of Service for Freelance Interpreters : Conference2018
Terms of Service for Freelance Interpreters2018
Terms of Service for Freelance Interpreters : Course Work2018
Mercury Concentrations in Double-Crested Cormorant Chicks Across Canada2018
Zinc in an ultraoligotrophic lake food web2018
Diet assimilation trends and host-parasite relationships in two species of sunfish (Lepomis) revealed by stable isotope analyses of multiple tissues2018
Fatty acids, stable isotopes, and regurgitate reveal diet differences between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie double-crested cormorants ( Phalacrocorax auritus )2017
Halogenated phenolic compounds in wild fish from Canadian Areas of Concern2017
Variations in anthropogenic silver in a large Patagonian lake correlate with global shifts in photographic processing technology2017
Mercury and selenium in the food web of Lake Nahuel Huapi, Patagonia, Argentina2016
Can a Low-Dose Selenium (Se) Additive Reduce Environmental Risks of Mercury (Hg) and Arsenic (As) in Old Gold Mine Tailings?2016
Natural origin arsenic in aquatic organisms from a deep oligotrophic lake under the influence of volcanic eruptions2015
Dietary Reliance on Benthic Primary Production as a Predictor of Mercury Accumulation in Freshwater Fish and Turtles2015